Get a firm grip on rapeseed and mustard meal quality and monitor qualitative changes over time.
Rapeseed expellers (cake) are potentially valuable sources of protein for animal nutrition. The meals are a byproduct of the production of rapeseed oil for human consumption. However, the oil extraction process has a huge impact on the nutritional quality of rapeseed expellers and meals. Too harsh processing conditions during oil milling can compromise protein digestibility and destroy essential amino acids. As a producer of rapeseed or mustard meals, you want to avoid products of low nutritional quality and poor economic value with very limited marketing and sales potential.
Furthermore, traditional rapeseed varieties and mustard seeds often contain high levels of antinutritional factors like glucosinolates and erucic acid which impair livestock performance.
Lysine content in rapeseed meal is highly variable
and cannot be predicted from the crude protein content
Our solution
Use Evonik's onsite sampleanalysis system AMINONIR® to determine the quality of your produced mustard and rapeseed meals. Finetune the oil extraction process or find a better supplier to get the best possible product. Once you have scanned the mustard or rapeseed meal and uploaded the spectra to Evonik, you will receive a complete evaluation within minutes. Evaluate the nutrient, amino acid and energy content as well as antinutritional factors.
Get an estimation of the degree of processing based on the near infrared (NIR) calibrations for the following well established parameters:
• Protein solubility in potassium hydroxide (KOH)
• Reactive lysine
• Ratio of reactive lysine to total lysine
• Amount of antinutritional factors like glucosinolates and euricic acid
You also get the corrected amino acid values based on the gathered data on the degree of processing so you can maximize digestibility.
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